It is 9:11 AM on Monday, August 23, 2010, and I am lying in a bed at Prentice Women's Hospital in Chicago, IL. We arrived in the middle of the night -- 1:30 AM to be exact -- to be induced with little Mack. For me I feel I have conquered the worst up to this point: the IV, feeling some pretty painful contractions, the nerve-wracking epidural, and having my water broken. Whew, glad all that's over. So now I play the waiting game . . .
Thankfully I've been able to snooze a little, and I feel more relaxed and comfortable than I have in a few weeks. I'm a little itchy from the epidural, but I'll take itchy over pain any day. I'm a little bit of a weinee. Okay, I'm a big weinee -- I cannot handle pain at all.
By the way, this hospital is amazing. My room is about twice the size of the one I had at Baptist Women's in Memphis, and I'm currently watching the Today Show on a big flat-screen and am trying to decide what music I want to listen to during delivery on the Bose Wave radio. Faaan-cy.
The last time I was checked I was at about 4 cm, and Dr. Levin said things are moving along great. I am sooo ready to meet little Mack, but I'm being very patient because this peace and quiet and not having to get up is good stuff.
We talked to our parents earlier to give them an update and check on Miss Mimi, who was already bossing them around and asking to go to the park. My little sweet pea. We love this little girl so much, and it was too much fun to see her excitement when her Poppaw, Bebe, Top, and Shug arrived last night. Girlfriend stayed up until about 10:30 and was happier than I've ever seen her. Mom gave her a Toy Story Woody doll for her birthday, and Mimi was sooooo excited. After she introduced herself to him ("Hi Woody. I Mimi. Yeeee-haw!), she spent the rest of the night making him dance and jump and kick his skinny little legs and pointed out his eyebrows and knees and left foot (her new discovery -- just the left, not the right). And, of course, she snuggled with his little hard plastic self to fall asleep last night.
So yesterday was Mimi's last day as an only child -- something she will probably never remember. The only one who needed attention and love and princess toys and crayons and bananas. Now there will be two, and I'm excited to see how all this happens. Even if it's hard and scary and crazy.
But for now, it is still Mimi so I think I should devote a little blog space just to her for one last time. Gosh, we love her little self so much. I love that she's a blabber-mouthed, bossy, selfish, wild little blonde monkey of a girl. She's independent and assertive, and Clint seems to think she's really going to do something important one day. I usually just smile and roll my eyes when he says this, but the truth is I believe it, too :).
Every day I take Prissy to the park, and although it's not my favorite the park across the street is a lot of fun for her. We can walk and don't have to take the stroller, and I've finally talked her into letting me hold her hand . . . at least for part of the way. That is, until she finds a place in the sidewalk that is torn up and full of rocks. We always have to stop and let her play with the rocks.
And she's become quite the comedian with her "funny face." It's a little more scary than funny, I'll admit, and I have no idea where she learned it. And while we're examining her teeth, I noticed she has some two-year-old molars popping through.
Last but not least, she has become quite the architect and builder with her fun blocks Daddy bought for her at Galt Baby store. She grabs our fingers and makes us sit in the floor with her and watch her stack them as high as they will go. Her little hands are so careful to balance them, and she loves to step back and clap and yell "Yay!" when she finishes . . . and then she knocks them over and squeals with delight. I KNOW Mack will think Mimi is the coolest big sister . . . I can't wait to let you know how crazy she is about him :).
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