Thursday, November 4, 2010

GRAND Parents

What a cool concept. To have children, raise them and take care of them, send them on their way, and then they come back with children of their own. That the grandparents can get off schedule and break rules and give them lots and lots of M &M's. So fun.

I really didn't have grandparents. When I was born all four of them and even some step-grandparents were still alive, but I was rarely able to see them and was too young to remember what I did get to see. But our children have four amazing grandparents. And they are indeed GRAND parents. Mimi is completely rotten by the time they leave, and I think this is a very necessary part of childhood.
My parents visited a couple of weeks ago, and Mimi immediately knew that all authority was thrown out the window. She could dance on the countertops, eat crackers and juice all day and spoil her dinner, and could whine and fuss and my mom would come running. Bless her heart. Mimi can tell my father, "No way," and he would laugh at her.
But there were perks for the parents. Clint and I were finally able to go shopping at REI for some much needed warm coats and tennis shoes. Ah, my new weekend outfit. A brown Patagonia coat, t-shirt, worn jeans, and Merrill tennis shoes. Love it because it is nice and chilly and very Fallish around here. Mimi even got some fun pink Merrills, which she lubs.

1 comment:

LC² said...

Ohhh, that outfit sounds comfy!! I'm loving the term, "lub."