It really didn't feel like I'd been away for more than a couple of weeks, well, until we actually returned. Believe it or not, life does go on when I'm not around. I noticed some new restaurants have opened and Mango Street baby store had moved. The summer clothes that were in the windows of stores when we left are being replaced by corduroy and wool. My friend Libby who was very pregnant when I left now has a two month old. Mimi's little girlfriends have longer hair and her buddy Banks has begun walking. Her cousin Olivia has a new haircut. So many changes that we've missed.
But most things were the same. The smiling faces in Target -- EVERYONE I passed smiled at me in Target. I feel like Chicago is a pretty friendly town, but certain parts of Memphis are super-friendly and comfortable. Actually everything about Memphis is very comfortable. It was so nice to walk into Clint's parents' home and smell his mother's cooking and see our little dog Spike. For the first time in a while, Clint and I had someone else around to help take care of our kiddos and let me do simple things I haven't been able to do in a while -- like go to the bathroom by myself and take long showers that involved hair washing AND leg shaving. Wow. The little things that make me happy now . . .
The next morning I was easily able to open the backdoor to let Ru out -- no walking required. The babies and I were able to get loaded in the car and take Clint to work (after stopping at a very much missed Chick-Fil-A) . . . and then even make a trip to Target where I bought things I haven't had time to buy, like dish towels. My parents arrived to spend the day with us, so the oil finally got changed in my car and I was able to buy a much-needed fall coat for Mimi. Daily activities that have been so difficult for me to do with two little ones in Chicago were easy-peasy while back in Memphis. Mimi even got her first haircut (and I FINALLY got one also).
And then we went over to some good friends' home to have dinner with our buddies and their children, whom we've missed dearly. The little girls acted like they had just seen each other yesterday, and I loved that everyone was able to meet little Mack. I'm so mad I didn't take the camera.
Friday night we had dinner with Clint's family, and I LOVED watching Mimi with her cousins Olivia and J.R. They were like three peas in a pod and had the most fun together playing in the backyard. Mimi and J.R. actually have conversations. Real little people talk. J.R. walked in the den and screamed, "Hi, Mimi!!" She immediately walked over to him, waved in his face, and said with arms open really, really wide, "Hi, J.R. BIG hug!" He then asked if she wanted to go outside to which she responded, "Yesh!" and off they went to get dirty and get in trouble. So fun.
So overall it was a fantastic weekend, and I'm so glad we were able to go back "home" for a few days. Like I said earlier, everything felt so comfortable and easy in Memphis . . . so comfortable that I did begin to question why we even moved to Chicago in the first place. But then we returned home to Chicago . . . and both Clint and I were happy to be at our new home, but I think we have found a new appreciation for Memphis. An appreciation for the city and friends and family that we would have never found if we had never left. And I feel this will grow stronger the longer we are away. Yes, it would have been easy to stay, but we would still be wondering, "What if?" I know myself well enough to realize this. So we will continue with our little adventure, and I will keep you updated along the way. Yes, we will miss everyone dearly, but we will appreciate every moment we get to spend in Memphis when we return.
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