Monday, July 19, 2010

Our last days in Memphis

The last morning Mimi woke up in her crib in the Bungalow on Prescott I decided I must grab the camera. I don't know how long it will take to get her new toddler suite set up in Chicago, so I wanted to record these last few sweet moments in her green baby room. And, yes, she does pull her Jellycat pig off the side of her bed and completely cover herself with it almost every night. Silly girl.

Spike will be living with his grandparents in Germantown while we are in Chicago. He just turned 17-years-old, and just like any other senior citizen he gets a little pissy with change. Especially if that change means extreme cold, which isn't good for his joints. So this is his last morning in the kitchen . . . waiting on a treat, of course.
And Mimi's last breakfast in the kitchen. Sigh.

I finally have internet as of about 30 minutes ago -- after trying to decipher all the Greek the internet guy was speaking to me. We are officially residents of Chicago as of last Wednesday, and things have been going smoothly. We love the condo, we love the weather, we love Clint's new office (even though the commute is a little longer than he hoped), and I LOVE the people. I cannot get over how incredibly nice people have been. A guy who worked in one of my doctor's offices in Memphis (who is originally from the Chicago area) tried to explain the difference in "nice people" from the South and everywhere else in the nation to me. He said in the South everyone is nice -- even jerks may appear to be nice, but then they'll stab you in the back . . . of course with a smile. Everywhere else only the really good people are nice -- the jerks don't waste their time. So at every restaurant and playground we have found some really, really nice people. As soon as they find out we're new to the area, they are eager to give us e-mail addresses and phone numbers along with letting us know about events and kid-friendly places. Wow, I am sooo impressed.
We had a mini-birthday celebration for Mimi at Ben and Jerry's last weekend. Don't be upset if you weren't invited -- it was very impromptu and thrown together. No invitations and, well, she really doesn't turn 2 until August 1. I just wanted her to have a party with some of her friends.
Can you tell chocolate is her fave? Just like her Mommy.
This was the best photo of the group -- and believe it or not pink and green wasn't a requirement, but it's awfully cute that all the girls match. Poor Causey had gotten tired of my paparazzi photography. Sorry, Causey.
The girls had quite the dance party on the Ben and Jerry's patio. Oh, and Mimi is indeed a fairy princess -- thank you, Hadley. I haven't unpacked the box with this inside, so it will be such a treat for Mimi to see again!
I love this one -- it totally describes the relationship with Mimi and her best boy BFF Banks. She is trying to be all prissy and aloof while Banks stares at her confused. Something tells me he may never understand her craziness.
Before we left Memphis, we had several opportunities to hang out with our best friends, and, wow, GRATEFUL is the best word that comes to mind. Clint and I have loved being able to spend our last few years in Memphis surrounded by some amazing friends, and I am still trying to come to terms with how we'll get by without them. Of course we had Clint's sweet family in Memphis who were always willing to help out, but having such amazing friends is a true blessing -- they aren't obligated to help like family! Ha! We went to McEwen's a couple of Fridays ago with our buddies, and this was so special because Clint and I ordained McEwen's as our "special" restaurant in Memphis. It was where we ate the night we got engaged, for any job promotions, when we found out I was pregnant. Also, the girls helped with a brunch for baby Mack at Majestic last Saturday. I have photos but haven't had time to save them yet -- maybe I'll get back to this because it was so fantastic.
And I need to end here - with a half boxed-up dining room - because I know this nap cannot last much longer.

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