Tuesday, May 5, 2009

9 Months Old

We have gone through so many changes just in the past few weeks with Mimi: 2 new teeth, pulling up, crawling, and a new personality to go along with this. Around Easter she seemed so frustrated because her teeth were bothering her and she couldn't quite crawl, and we were aftaid her fussy disposition was here to stay. That's not the case anymore because she is so silly and LOVES to laugh! I'll put her in the floor in her room to play and will hear her cracking up at her toys and squealing. She has her own language now and speaks so passionately about who knows what. I caught her climbing out from under her crib a few days ago . . . what she was doing under there I'll never know, but she thought it was really funny!
She is stilly crazy about Spike and Ruthie and they are so sweet to her. I was really worried they might snap at her, but they sit patiently and let her play with their ears and feet and climb all over them.

Also, naptime and bedtime is a little more difficult than in the past because she would rather have a party in her crib than go to sleep. This is a video of what was supposed to be her nap.

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