Sunday, April 8, 2012

Christians are such weirdos.

Every spring Christians can be found doing some really odd stuff.

We congregate in muddy fields (with cameras on hand, of course).

We put out strange pastel decorations of bunnies and chickens.

Rain boots are fine -- as long as they are pastel.

And we carry around baskets searching for -- get this -- brightly colored eggs.  

And if that isn't strange enough, we then stand in crazy long lines to have a photo taken with this overgrown bunny.

And then we make crafts.  (Mimi said, "Oh no!  My eggs are going to die!!).

And then on Easter morning, that nut case bunny breaks into our homes (hopefully for the Easter bunny, most Christians have a home with a noisy, snoring Poppaw so that no one can hear him.).

But no one ever calls the cops because he always leaves lots and lots of chocolate and cheap toys.

Give this one a creamy center and I could eat. him. up!

"Oh my gosh!  You mean an over-sized bunny rabbit broke into my home last night???  And no one stopped him??"

"But he left candy, you say?  For little old me??"

Just don't get any on your dress, Mimi.

And then we all put on bunny ears and stick our tongues out in photos.

We even put bunny ears on Bebe and a large stuffed Winnie the Pooh.

And on Poppaw.

But after all this pastel-wearing, egg hunting, and bunny break-ins . . . we usually go to church . . . and feel quite silly for wearing those bunny ears.  But know it's okay to be silly and human . . . and mess up and try again and mess up again.  We'll keep learning and trying to follow the example of a really swell guy named Jesus by helping and loving and forgiving other silly humans.  He never wore a bunny suit (at least it's not in the book), but he's even cooler than the Easter bunny.

And because we're human, we must get our binkies and blankets, snuggle up for Sunday naps, and catch the last few holes of the Masters before going out and being regular again on Monday.  Well, maybe a little better than regular. :)

Happy Easter, y'all!

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