Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This Girl

This one didn't come with an instructional manual either.  But it would have been nice.

Mimi's awesome PreK class is celebrating Seuss week, and yesterday was mismatched day.  Mimi took her task quite seriously.

She picked out the headband and "Patrick's Day magic bow tie" (as she named it) while shopping with me yesterday morning.  She wore them as she ran around JoAnn's (ugh, I hate JoAnn's) like a chicken with her head whacked off, and occasionally I could hear, Hey, why is everybody laughing at me???

Really, Mimi?

Mommy, why are they all laughing at me?  I'm just wearing my Suess day clothes.  That's not very nice.

Another PreK mom told me how Mimi was showing everyone her dance moves during circle time, so I told Mimi that I had heard about this.  She suddenly made a mad face and said, But I'm not ever, ever dancing at school again.  Everybody was laughing at me!

I explained they were laughing because she was funny.  Mimi, don't you know that you're a funny kid?

Mommy!  I'm not funny!
Then what are you?

I'M CUTE!!!!

Sheesh.  And she is pretty cute.  Let's just hope the elderly lady we saw who was seriously stooped over thought she was cute, too.  Or let's just hope she was very hard of hearing because Mimi had some very loud and silly opinions about why she was walking like that.  Seriously, instruction manual, please.

Now that Mack is in preschool for 2 whole hours a week (we're bumping up to another morning in a couple of weeks!  4 whole hours -- goooo, Mack!), Mimi and I get some quality time together.  Yes, it's awesome to have her when she doesn't feel the need to compete with her brother.  She told me at least a thousand stories about Olivia the Pig over coffee and chocolate milk at Starbuck's.  Who doesn't love stories about pig?

Thank goodness Mimi isn't the only silly girl I know.  This one comes a close second :)  

And by the way, I am NOT pregnant with a baby.  Just in case you were wondering.  I actually already had it, and if you're confused it's because you weren't paying attention . . . he he he.

Until there are more shenanigans . . .

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